Thursday, April 4, 2013

Galilee: Part 1

Spring Break in Galilee!! We are spending the next 10 days in Galilee at the Kibbutz Ein Gev. We still have classes and field trips, but it's basically a vacation. On the way down we stopped at Bet Shean as seen above. It was impressive. 

Our journey continued up to Nazareth. It was completely gorgeous! I can see why Christ grew up here. We went to a church that was built over the ruins of his believed home and saw incredible mosaics in a church built over Mary's home. At this point I was exhausted so Chaille, Paige, and I slept in the courtyard of the church for an hour. I guess now I can say I took a nap in Nazareth!

Next we saw the remains of an ancient boat found in the sea of Galilee. At this point I felt like I got hit by a bus (in the words of Erica Moore). I was so tired. My lack of sleep from Easter the night before finally hit me. It was a really cool boat though. . .

Then we finally made it to Galilee!!!!. . . . but surprise, a sandstorm came. We couldn't even see 10 feet into the distance. It was really anticlimactic, but still great to be there.

Day 2- The skies were getting clearer as we took a boat ride onto Galilee. They raised an American flag for us and played the anthem. Sometimes I forget I'm from America. 

During the boat ride the skies finally cleared and I saw the gorgeous view at last. It was stunning. Galilee is almost tropical and reminds me of Hawaii. We stopped our boat in the middle of the lake and had a devotional about Christ calming the waters of the lake. It was amazing to be there and read the stories from the scriptures.

After our boat ride we climbed to this lookout. I fell in love. 

Here is our home while we are here. This beach is just outside our cabin/apartments. We get to swim and wake up to this  everyday! Sometimes I forget I'm in school.

Here is a synagogue at Capernaum! Christ performed many miracles in this city.

The Mount of Beatitudes--where Christ taught his apostles. Look at the colors! I wanted to paint everything. Don't worry, I will when I get home.

I ate fresh Tilapia!!  Here I am in a cute restaurant on a dock that made me feel at home. It was just like Florida! Oh and the fish was amazing.

Sunset over Galilee.

On Thursday we hiked to Gamla! It was the most incredible view! I love how they built cities on top of mountains in gorgeous places.
It was really windy, but I was loving the hike.

Here is Kursi--the site where the devils went into the swine after Christ cast them out.

And that is the first four days of Galilee!

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